Sunday, June 17, 2012

Tips for responding to cyberbullys also has tips for responding to cyberbullying here because tips for prevention can only go so far until is unfortunately starts. Once it does start the victim needs to know how to handle the bully and the situation. So many people who are cyberbullied choose not to tell anyone about what's happening because they are scared it could make it worse. Minor situations the victim can ignore the bully but if it's a severe case telling an authority figure could be the only way to start making the situation better. Now that cyberbullying has really be brought to light and people know about it it's being taken seriously.

1 comment:

  1. I think that this is something all parents should be aware of and discuss with their students. Also as a future teacher I think it would be good for the teacher to be aware of any cyber bullying that might go on outside of the school that could effect the atmosphere of the classroom. As a teacher I will teach my students not to be a bully and let them know it does not matter if it's in the classroom or on the computer it is still bullying!
